Wednesday, March 15, 2017


This week, there wasn't much happening. As I thought before, I figured I would be fabricating the wood beams to create the architectural model. As it turns out, Claude is going to have his dad make them so they're "more precise" using his equipment, which is much better than the ME lab's equipment or the machines in the Spartan Superway shop (which we're not sure if it works or not). Claude is still working on his designs.

To be honest, I feel like my hands are tied. We (the rest of the team) can't progress until we have these designs to fabricate, but Claude insists on making the designs the way he sees fit. So it's been a couple months now that we've been in this designing phase but I don't see anything coming together yet. I need to begin fabrication or we are not going to finish in time. Claude mentioned just making one architectural prototype and laser-cutting the other designs (cat's eye) but I think this would look tacky and simplistic compared to what the other subteams of Spartan Superway are working on.

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